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Rendición de Cuentas 2017

Escoja con una (X) el tema que le gustaría que se incluyera:

1. Autoridad- Le compete regular, certificar, vigilar y controlar a todos los proveedores de servicios a la aviación, y sancionar el incumplimiento a los Reglamentos Aeronáuticos de Colombia (RA

Sanciones a las aerolíneas

2. Proveedor de servicios: Aerocivil suministra los servicios a la navegación aérea, servicios aeroportuarios y servicios de instrucción a personal aeronáutico

En qué consiste un plan maestro aeroportuario

¿Otro cuál?

20 HC Container Open Side, Side Opening Shipping Container for Sale

The 20′ HCOS/20’HC FSA/20′ HC SD, more familiarly known as 6 m high-cube side opening Container. The container is about 30 cm higher than the standard 20′ Open Side Container.  This practical container differs from a traditional container due to its door structure. One long 6 m side of the container can be opened. The side door is usually a 4-leaf door that opens in 2 sections.  50% to the left and 50% to the right, allowing it to be opened in different ways, such as 1/4, 1/2 or completely. The 20′ HC Open Side Container is ISO compliant and can be used for storage or freight (CSC). The floor material in the containers is plywood or bamboo and they come with standard ventilation valves. All doors are lockable with a padlock and our rental containers are equipped with a welded protective case.
Created at 7/22/2023 5:08 AM by  
Last modified at 7/22/2023 5:08 AM by