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Rendición de Cuentas 2017

Escoja con una (X) el tema que le gustaría que se incluyera:

1. Autoridad- Le compete regular, certificar, vigilar y controlar a todos los proveedores de servicios a la aviación, y sancionar el incumplimiento a los Reglamentos Aeronáuticos de Colombia (RA

Cambios realizados a la normatividad aeronáutica en el 2017

2. Proveedor de servicios: Aerocivil suministra los servicios a la navegación aérea, servicios aeroportuarios y servicios de instrucción a personal aeronáutico

Rediseño del espacio aéreo de Bogotá

¿Otro cuál?

If you're not satisfied with your job, then you have the right to lodge a grievance. But, many don't know how to do this. The first step is to find an attorney who can help you. A good lawyer can help to file a grievance, guide you through the process, and help you get the best results. Carter Capner Law is the best lawyer for suing your employer. We've had experience in suing employers and are able to obtain the best results in the best interest of our clients. Contact us today to find out more about our laws as well as how we could assist you!
Created at 1/13/2023 12:53 AM by  
Last modified at 1/13/2023 12:53 AM by