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Rendición de Cuentas 2017

Escoja con una (X) el tema que le gustaría que se incluyera:

1. Autoridad- Le compete regular, certificar, vigilar y controlar a todos los proveedores de servicios a la aviación, y sancionar el incumplimiento a los Reglamentos Aeronáuticos de Colombia (RA

Cambios realizados a la normatividad aeronáutica en el 2017

2. Proveedor de servicios: Aerocivil suministra los servicios a la navegación aérea, servicios aeroportuarios y servicios de instrucción a personal aeronáutico

Rediseño del espacio aéreo de Bogotá

¿Otro cuál?

Roobet provides scholarships to students to complete a survey about interested on photography. Roobet is a photography company that offers photographic, Icons & Illustration, and Video & Motion services. They have a wide range of experience and their work is top notch. However, there have been some complaints about Roobet scams. Some people have said that they were charged for services that they never received, or that the quality of the work was not up to par. Overall, Roobet seems to be a reputable company with a lot to offer. However, as with any company, there are always a few bad apples. There have also been reports of roobet scam, so be sure to do your research before using their services If you're considering using Roobet's services, just be sure to do your research and make sure they're a good fit for you.

Created at 12/1/2022 11:14 PM by  
Last modified at 12/1/2022 11:14 PM by